WHy girls cry???? WHyyy??? Man, u shud know... Lalalaaaa

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 11:02 PM
Girls cry because....
1. They're sad...
2. They're scare...
3. They're nervous...
4. They're frustrated...
5. They're missing someone...
6. They're alone...
7. They're PMSing...
8. They're pregnant..
9. Their heart is broken...
10. They're in love...
11. Their souls have been torn...
12. They met a boy they can't have...
13. They fell in love with a boy...
14. They hurt so bad inside...
15. They're mad...

BOYS: If any girl you know is crying and you see them, don't just stand there and say you're sorry. Hold them and tell them everything will be okay, even if you have no idea what is wrong with them. Girls just want to be held and know that someone cares about them


  1. da tu kalo bkn mahram leh pgang gak ke?

  2. lapik kaen ar... guna pelapik klu leh... mna yg suami istri tu tk pyh ler... ko ni... ni pon nk kna ajar... erkkKKKK!!!!!!

  3. sape kate lapik kain leh pgang?
    kire kalo peluk2 x kesah ah?
    baju de kan..
    bestnye cmtu..

  4. ala ko ni mmg budak2 lagi la...
    org berpuitis bkn utk pk mende yg bkn2...
    Mende tu lak ko pk dlm2... ape da...
    sekeh kang!

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